Studies in Phyllosticta I.
Author: H. A. VAN DER AA:
Details: 110pp., paperback, 1973
Price: € 20,-
The genus Phyllosticta Pers. ex Desm., as typified by Phyllosticta cruenta (Kunze ex Fr.) Kickx is monographed. Phyllostictina Sydow and Caudophoma Patil & Thirumalachar are synonyms. The morphological characters of the genus are described and the differences from related genera are discussed. The perfect state belongs to Guignardia Viala & Ravaz; the differences from Botryosphaeria are discussed. The spermatial state is redescribed and classified in Leptodothiorella Höhnel sensu Sydow ex van der Aa, gen. nov. The Phyllosticta species are usually specific to their host species or genera. A key to 46 species of Phyllosticta is given; they are described and illustrated from herbarium material and when possible from fresh collections and from pure cultures; 2 species have been studied in pure culture only. Phyllosticta encephalarti, P. amaryllidicola, P. flevolandica and P. zimmermannii are described as new species. Phyllosticta anacardiacearum, P. arxii, P. cyamopsidicola, P. murrayicola and P. phanerura are proposed as new names and 12 new combinations in Phyllosticta are made. In 12 species the ascigerous state is known. Guignardia gaultheriae is described as a new species and 4 new combinations in Guignardia are made. In 17 species a spermatial state has been encountered; 10 of them have not been reported before. A check-list of all the 84 published Phyllostictina species is given. 49 of them are also included in the main part; 9 species could be excluded; 7 species were identified with already described Phyllosticta species; new combinations are made and Phyllosticta jambosicola, P. theacearum and P. bombayensis are proposed as new names. In 4 cases no decision was possible. One new combination in Guignardia is proposed.