The ascomycete genus Eupenicillium and related Penicillium anamorphs.
Author(s): A. C. STOLK and R. A. SAMSON:
Details: 149 pp., paperback, 1983
The genus Eupenicillium is revised and divided into four sections: Eupenicillium, Lapidosa, Pinetorum and Javanica, which are primarily based on their anamorphs. Descriptions, figures and scanning electron micrographs are given of 20 species of Eupenicillium and three varieties, as well as of ten related, sclerotial species of Penicillium. A description of the new species E. limoneum Gochenaur & Zlattner, the teleomorph of Torulomyces lagena, is included. E. limoneum is placed in the section Pinetorum and T. lagena is transferred to Penicillium. P. euglaucum van Beyma is neotypified and transferred to Eupenicillium, while P. (Spicaria) simplicissimum (Oudem.) Thom is redefined according to an iconotype in the sense of the former P. janthinellum. Several species of Eupenicillium are reduced to synonymy. E. levitum, E. lineolatum and E. meloforme are placed in E. javanicum as varieties. The accepted species of Eupenicillium are based only on morphological characters, such as structure of the ascogenous hyphae, ascus development, ascus arrangement, ornamentation of the ascospores, and shape of phialides and conidia. Different strains of one species may show a substantial variation in ascospore size. The anamorphs of several species of Eupenicillium proved to be identical with already described species of Penicillium. Individual strains of some species demonstrated a marked variation in their anamorphs as well as in their cultural appearance (e.g. E. euglaucum, E. javanicum). This resulted in a substantial broadening of the species concept in Penicillium. Consequently, many species of Penicillium are regarded as synonymous. A key to the sections of Eupenicillium is given and species are keyed out in each section. A synoptic key to all taxa is added which should mainly be useful in the identification of strains with a reduced anamorph or without an anamorph