The black yeasts and allied Hyphomycetes.
Author(s): G.S. de Hoog and E. J. Hermanides-Nijhof
Details: 222pp., paperback, 1977
- Rhinocladiella and allied genera G. S. de Hoog, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, with cooperation of P. Hogeweg, Faculty of Biology, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, H. L. C. Meuzelaar, FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam, and A. C. M. Weijman, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn. SUMMARY Characters of numerous strains of Rhinocladiella-like fungi, cultivated under standard conditions, are scored on a datamatrix, comprising 106 attributes. Two groups, viz. fungi or states with sympodial conidiogenesis and the ones with percurrent conidiogenesis, are processed taxometrically. Of both, a dendrogram, and a map of two optimal characters is given, and the differences are discussed. A method is developed for a priori weighting of characters. The thus gained weights of 17 attributes are compared with the automatic weights of the same. Approaches of numerical and classical methods are compared, and diagrams of relationships within and outside the groups studied are presented. Chemical "finger-prints" by means of pyrolysis-mass spectrometry are made of a sample of the concerned organisms; the results are given in non-linear maps. Distinction of groups using this method, is largely based on the presence or absence of rhamnose, and on the chitin-content, as is proved by gas-liquid chromatography. In the descriptive part 9 genera are recognized, two of which are new and two are validated; in all, they contain 37 species or form-species, and 5 varieties. 11 new species are described, two of which are validated, and 20 new combinations and a new name are proposed.
- Aureobasidium and allied genera E. J. Hermanides-Nijhof Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn SUMMARY Aureobasidium Viala & Boyer is characterized by synchronous conidium production on hyaline conidiogenous cells. Five generic names, including Kabatiella Bubák, are listed as synonymous; 14 species and one variety are recognized. Species of Hormonema Lager-berg & Melin produce conidia basipetally from hyaline or dark conidiogenous cells. The majority are cultural states of dothideaceous Ascomycetes; the four described form-species being very similar. The monotypic genus Sarcinomyces Lindner is redescribed to accomodate Cladosporium werneckii Horta.
- Survey of the black yeasts and allied fungi G.S. de Hoog and E. J. Hermanides-Nijhof Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn SUMMARY All accepted genera described in the first two parts of this study, and a number of related genera, are keyed out below. In addition, an annotated checklist of relevant generic, specific and subspecific names is given.