The development of the hymenophoral trama in the Aphyllophorales and the Agaricales.

Details: 109 pp., paperback, 1992

The genera Lentinellus and Bondarzewia have a trametoid and not an agaricoid trama. Lentinus, Panus and Pleurotus cannot be distinguished on the basis of their hymenophoral trama, which is open, at least in an early stage (or at least shows some signs of being open), but may become transitional towards the agaricoid type, especially when mature. In Panellus two distinct groups occur: subgenus Panellus with distinct trametoid characters and subgenus Serotinia with more agaricoid characters. A radiate hymenophoral trama type, as mentioned for Lentinus and Cantharellus does not exist; the idea was probably based on dislocated structures. Gerronema spp. are cantharelloid. Cantharellus and Hydnum have different trama types and are not closely related. Hygrophoropsis and Omphalotus fit in the Paxillaceae (or Coniophoraceae) according to their trama (and other characters) despite the cantharelloid hymenophoral trama. In Gomphidius transitions from boletoid to cantharelloid are also found. The genus Ripartites is agaricoid; there is no indication of a relationship with Paxillus. The hymenophoral trama of Coprinus deviates from the agaricoid type by the lack of development in the mediostratum. The hymenophoral trama of Russula is uniform and characteristic, but that of Lactarius is much more complicated than generally recognized.